... and this one was the climax of my journey. Doesn't matter much that few seem to get it or care, this one is my gem. The culmination of my heroic introspective journey. See, I was a genuine dharma bum, as a young man I threw myself to experiencing life and the road, the wind and my own wits. Been able to walk in many shoes for a distance, known many beautiful people and have enjoyed many wonderful discussions, seen many ups and downs. Back in those 70s, 80s our country wasn't so scared and angry. Being of poor but healthy honest stock people hired me, so I had opportunities to work many diverse jobs and live many experiences over the succeeding decades. Considering the odds I've had a great ride.
I'm a bonafide student of the University of Life you could say. Among my early professors were a parade of enthusiastic research librarians before the days of personal computers. Next to living, there was keeping up on science news and proactively researching things that interested me and since understanding myself and the entire Earth and her story interested me, it's been a busy life. I dare say I've been attentive to every day, good and bad. These days I'd label myself an Earth Centrist and I've accumulated some deep understanding. Here I was finally able to summarize it in a way that feels complete and that opens whole new vistas for me. I fancy this my U of L Master's Thesis. ;- )
(Evening Jan 1, 2019: Spent many hours today reviewing this 6 post collection and making final changes, then more final adjustments, plus adding some closing observations at the end of this piece. I do believe this annotated collection is now finished.
Happy New Year to you and best wishes, cc.)
The Missing Key to Stephen Gould’s
“Nonoverlapping Magisteria”
“… missing was a much more fundamental division crying out for recognition. Specifically,
the magisteria of Physical Reality vs the magisteria of our Human Mindscape. …”
The increasingly shrill and disconnected from physical reality attacks on science by faith-based organizations and individuals has me thinking about an essay evolutionary biologist and historian of science Stephen J. Gould wrote some twenty years ago in an attempt to address the tension between scientific truths and religious truths.
His solution was the notion of “Non-overlapping Magisteria” which delineated two teaching “authorities” (magisterium), the “magisteria of science” and the “magisteria of religion.” It wasn’t his original idea, rather a continuation of a centuries old dialogue between scientists and the Catholic Church that I don’t have the space to get into.
In any event, Gould concluded there should be no conflict because each realm has its’ own domain of “teaching authority.” Since these “magisteria” do not overlap, they cannot contradict each other and should be able to exist in mutual respect.
When it first came out