Friday, April 24, 2020

Profiles in Criminality, Grenon Bro's and Trump the traitor

America's President's Apparent Health Advisors:  Mark Grenon, Joseph Grenon, Jordan Grenon, and Jonathan Grenon sell and distribute a product called Miracle Mineral Solution through their Genesis II Church of Health and Healing.

Nothing is beyond the pale anymore.  While Trump's 40% keep getting nastier and more disconnected from reality, all because they refuse to take any responsibility for their own mistakes, hate learning and education and love pissing off liberals above all else - topped off by zero conception for the march of time and evolution.  It's a recipe for utter self destruction that seems to be unfolding unabated, take this recent plunge into self-delusion:
Mark Grenon styles himself as “archbishop” of Genesis II – a Florida-based outfit that claims to be a church but which in fact is the largest producer and distributor of chlorine dioxide bleach as a “miracle cure” in the US. He brands the chemical as MMS, “miracle mineral solution”, and claims fraudulently that it can cure 99% of all illnesses including cancer, malaria, HIV/Aids as well as autism.

Revealed: leader of group peddling bleach as coronavirus 'cure' wrote to Trump this week

Mark Grenon wrote to Trump saying chlorine dioxide ‘can rid the body of Covid-19’ days before the president promoted disinfectant as treatment 

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Profiles in Courage, Denver Health Care Workers Stand Their Ground

Denver Health Care Workers Stand Their Ground

Medical worker blocks lockdown protester in Denver
image credit: Marc Zenn, April 19, 2020, Reuters

A medical workers stands in the road in front of a car carrying a woman protesting Colorado's stay-at-home order. Video credit: Marc Zenn

‘Operation Gridlock’ protest against Colorado stay-home order brings hundreds to Capitol lawn


A DeVos-Linked Group Promoted the Right-Wing “Operation Gridlock” Tantrum in Michigan

Edwin Rios  -  April 17, 2020

Monday, April 13, 2020

Why Accept Malicious Willful Ignorance and the Embrace of Lies?

I haven't posted anything since the COVID-19 roller coaster hit us and truth be told I'm feeling too angry and contemptuous of our current leaders, business, political, news oligarchs and their continued delusionals thinking spawned contempt for health experts and serious professional scientists.  

I don't have anything to add, except for focusing on enunciating my perspective and specifics about our dysfunctional public dialogue.  Perhaps better defining our need for some genuine militancy in defense of respecting Physical Reality along with truth and Honest Constructive Debates, where good faith learning is the goal.

Unfortunately, or then again perhaps fortunately, I've gotten myself involved in a different and very time consuming project so, other than the usual fits and starts and sloppy notes, I haven't done much beyond letting it simmer.  Though I have been writing, it's been over at Center For Inquiry where I can let my hair down in a way I won't do around here.

The following comes from a thread I started at CFI - simply food for thought: 


please click on the images for a clear version.
Or visit the post itself and participate in a discussion.


Perhaps I should add the first post of this thread

For what it's worth:

DECEMBER 30, 2018
d) Considering our dysfunctional public dialogue in 14 verses.

a) Who says understanding Earth’s Evolution is irrelevant? 2018

DECEMBER 31, 2018
f) Considering the Missing Key to Stephen Gould’s “Nonoverlapping Magisteria”

e) Map v Territory Problem, Statistical Certainty vs Geophysical Realities

DECEMBER 30, 2018
c) Intellectually Confronting Faith-Based thinking and Dogma Driven Deceptions

b) Saying No To Reality. Questioning the Geologic Column.

FEBRUARY 10, 2020
Considering a Fundamental Cosmic Truth

FEBRUARY 22, 2020
Diary - Musing on a half Century of Climate Science Awareness, 2020-02-22

DECEMBER 25, 2019
Diary, 12/25/2019 - Rhetorical Jujutsu, case in point.

DECEMBER 11, 2019
Bringing it back to Earth Centrism

DECEMBER 7, 2019
Introduction to Cc's Pageant of Evolution project.

Pageant of Earth's Evolution (in 24hr) part two


email:  citizenschallenge gmail dot come