Sunday, July 21, 2024

Dear Sabine Hossenfelder, why blame climate scientists for the politicization?

Dear Sabina Hossenfelder, 

I’ve been watching your YouTube videos for a while and for the most part, I enjoy them, because I love the topics, your informative sharp style, and you were refreshingly free of red flags. As I became a fan, I’ll admit I got some weird vicarious kick at discovering you were born in Frankfurt am Main during the time I was living there, during my 3 years in BRD & CH.

Then you started talking about climate scientists, people I’ve enthusiastically followed and learned from since my high school science classes (grad of ’73), and a topic I have closely followed for over a half century since.  Now, listening to you harp on climate scientists, I do see red flags cropping up, which I feel obligated to share as far and wide as my meager efforts will afford, via an email and posting at my blogs.

Your July 20th, “Fossil Fuels Don’t Come From Fossils? Tucker Carlson Fact Check” brought my feelings to a boil.  Now I want to do a little fact checking of your attitude and words, along with their unfortunate implications, in a society where determined willful ignorance runs rampant.

Fossil Fuels Don’t Come From Fossils? Tucker Carlson Fact Check

Sabine Hossenfelder - July 20, 2024 


“The world is full of untruth and half truth, right that's the whole problem right.”


"… Dr. Soon then goes on to complain about how climate scientists reacted to the opening statement from Al Jaber at the COP meeting earlier this year.

In the beginning of this cop 28 meeting,  the chairman, …  was saying that ‘there's no scientific reasoning to say that we should phase out fossil fuels.’ “

“He’s right. But then he backed off because of all this, baa-baa. …”

“There's no scientific reasoning to say that we should phase out fossil fuel.”

This isn’t an academic argument.  This is the stuff of rhetorical gamesmanship.    

No parameters, no nuances.  Give it a think Sabina. 


Saturday, July 6, 2024

What should Biden do? July 2024

Lets remember: This shouldn't be about a Biden Administration, so much as a Democratic Administration vs. a totalitarian wannabe administration (pushed by a lot of billionaire dark money).

Seems a lot of people are up in arms about what to do about the aging Biden and the utter singled-minded ego driven vandalism of the MAGA trump team - in their dedicated campaign to damage our government as much as possible as fast as possible.

July 5, 2024 The Legal Breakdown with BTC & Glenn Kirschner

The Legal Breakdown episode 332: ‪@GlennKirschner2‬ discusses Judge Cannon seeking to dismiss the Trump classified documents case. Order my new book SHAMELESS:…

If I were king of the world, I would . . .

This isn’t a Biden Administration, this is Democrat Administration. Biden is the current quarterback surrounded by good people who are growing in experience and knowledge who will be there to move forward. …  

A) Why not a brainstorming meeting among Biden and top Democrat minds, and there are many these days, Harris, Shumer, Jeffries, Buddigieg, Moskowitz, Whitehouse, Porter, we can think of a few more rising stars, ...

Work out a strategy to highlight the Democratic Party TEAM. …

B) Then why not acknowledge the obvious?  A refreshing straightforward discussion about mortality and moving forward.

Biden ought to go in front of cameras with those other Democratic leaders beside him.   Explain to a simplistic American people that this is a team effort.  We don’t change captains in the middle of the most important minutes of the most important game. We stand together, when one falls there are many to close the rank and continue.  We know what we are doing, allow us to focus on the real problem facing the nation a dictator wannabe with an amazing amount of unAmerican support behind him.

Short and sweet, but that’s just me.